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Build your Emergency Preparedness Kit – Before you need it

Personal Go Bags

  • Personal Preparedness Go Bags should contain a minimum of 72 hours worth of essential supplies you’ll need, including emergency water, food, blankets, lights, face mask, and copies of important documents that will help you through any situation.

Home Preparedness Kits

Vehicle Preparedness Kits

Pocket Guide: Be ready in an emergency

List your contacts, check your Go Bag,
find tips for local hazards, and more.
Download and print yours today!

Learn more about Preparedness Kits

Learn about emergency kits and what items are important to have ready at all times. Presenters will provide a check list for personalizing home preparedness kits, discuss the different types of kits families should consider, and explain rotation methods for supplies. Let’s get Sonoma Ready!

Learn more: Preparedness Kits Webinar