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October 27, 2019 4:14 PM

Sonoma County Emergency Power Outage Safety Tips

  • Check to see which of your information sources are working (NOAA Radio,
    Internet news sites, alert and warning apps).
  • All residents are encouraged to subscribe for SoCo Alerts. SoCoAlerts will send
    messages if evacuations are ordered. If you are in a high-risk wildfire area, stay
    alert – warning devices may not work without power. Sign-up online at
    https://www.SoCoAlert.com or by phone at 707-565-1369.
  • Use your cell phone sparingly to preserve power. Text when possible, in lieu of
    voice calls. Keep family up to date about how you are doing.
  • Keep hydrated and seek out cooling centers if needed.
  • Try to keep your refrigerator doors closed. Use the most perishable items first.
  • Items which fully thaw (above 40 degrees) must be used within 4 hours or thrown
  • If you have a generator, be sure to follow safety instructions and use only as
    needed to save fuel. Always allow the generator to cool completely before
  • If you have relatives or friends in other areas that still have power, take this
    opportunity to visit them.
  • Check on your neighbors and help each other stay safe.