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How is the State’s Debris Task Force protecting our rivers, streams, and aquifers from contamination? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

How is the State’s Debris Task Force protecting our rivers, streams, and aquifers from contamination?

The State’s Debris Task Force will use erosion controls on the site as well as use silt collection devices around storm drains to minimize impacts to rivers, streams, and the…

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Can residents be present during the clean-up of their personal property? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Can residents be present during the clean-up of their personal property?

Yes, if they request to be present; however, exclusion zones will be established surrounding the work area to ensure safety and property owners may not enter these zones during debris…

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My house was destroyed in the fire. Can I go back onto my property to see if I can find any valuables or mementos? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

My house was destroyed in the fire. Can I go back onto my property to see if I can find any valuables or mementos?

Safe sifting through your property will NOT jeopardize your claims for disaster assistance. Property owners who desire to search debris for possible salvageable items should do so with caution and…

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I own a private-non-profit or a commercial property and it was damaged in the fire, is my property eligible? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

I own a private-non-profit or a commercial property and it was damaged in the fire, is my property eligible?

These properties may be approved by the State on a case by case basis. The State will consider the commercial property owners ability to cause the work to be performed…

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Once the household hazardous waste is removed by the State or federal contractor, can property owners hire their own contractors to remove the remaining debris? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Once the household hazardous waste is removed by the State or federal contractor, can property owners hire their own contractors to remove the remaining debris?

Yes. If you decide to remove fire-related debris from your property, you must obtain all the necessary permits and environmental clearances from your local government before your contractors start any…

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After debris clearance and soil testing, what are the next steps? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

After debris clearance and soil testing, what are the next steps?

Once the State’s Debris Task Force has ensured that contractors have removed all debris and soil testing meets California state standards, contractors will return to install erosion control methods. The…

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What is soil testing? Why is this being performed, and how? Who tests the soil? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What is soil testing? Why is this being performed, and how? Who tests the soil?

Crews scrape 3 – 6” of soil from the ash footprint and samples are sent to a state-approved lab for analysis. The results are compared against background samples taken from…

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When will my debris be cleared? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

When will my debris be cleared?

Crews have already begun removal of hazardous household waste across the State. Removal of fire debris, other than hazardous household waste, is scheduled to begin in December of 2020. There…

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Why not just have the contractors remove household hazardous waste as part of the general clean up? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Why not just have the contractors remove household hazardous waste as part of the general clean up?

Household hazardous waste must be removed without delay to protect public health and safety. This is an emergency protective measure. Hazardous waste could have significant long-term environmental impacts and should…

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Are burned electronics and appliances (white goods) included in the household hazardous waste cleanup? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Are burned electronics and appliances (white goods) included in the household hazardous waste cleanup?

Teams handling hazardous waste will not remove appliances or electronic wastes, such as TV and computer monitors, computers processing units, or cell phones. These materials will be removed as part…

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