What portion of my homeowner’s policy will the local government collect for debris removal?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
It depends on the policy that you have. There are generally two types of debris removal coverages in a homeowner’s insurance policy: • Specified Amount: If your homeowner’s insurance policy…
If I have homeowner’s insurance, can I still participate in the debris removal program?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Yes. However, to avoid a duplication of benefits provided by the state or federal government, your insurance company will be required to provide payment from your policy designated for debris…
Who will pay for the debris removal?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
All upfront costs will be paid by state and federal agencies. However, if property owners have homeowner’s insurance covering debris removal, owners must inform local officials by indicating that coverage…
What safety and environmental regulations are contractors required to comply with?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Contractors are required to comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations regarding safety and the environment. Whenever there is a conflict between codes or regulations, the most…
Who ensures compliance with worker safety regulations?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
How is the State’s Debris Task Force protecting our rivers, streams, and aquifers from contamination?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
The State’s Debris Task Force will use erosion controls on the site as well as use silt collection devices around storm drains to minimize impacts to rivers, streams, and the…
Can residents be present during the clean-up of their personal property?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Yes, if they request to be present; however, exclusion zones will be established surrounding the work area to ensure safety and property owners may not enter these zones during debris…
My house was destroyed in the fire. Can I go back onto my property to see if I can find any valuables or mementos?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Safe sifting through your property will NOT jeopardize your claims for disaster assistance. Property owners who desire to search debris for possible salvageable items should do so with caution and…
I own a private-non-profit or a commercial property and it was damaged in the fire, is my property eligible?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
These properties may be approved by the State on a case by case basis. The State will consider the commercial property owners ability to cause the work to be performed…
Once the household hazardous waste is removed by the State or federal contractor, can property owners hire their own contractors to remove the remaining debris?https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Yes. If you decide to remove fire-related debris from your property, you must obtain all the necessary permits and environmental clearances from your local government before your contractors start any…