Continued Risk of Flooding and Mud, Debris Flows from 2017 Wildfires
Continued Risk of Flooding and Mud, Debris Flows from 2017 Wildfires 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information // agencies and property owners must prepare for the rainy season The City of Santa Rosa and the County of Sonoma continue to encourage residents living in and around the areas burned by the Sonoma Complex Fires to prepare their property for the rainy season and remain alert for possible threats from intense winter storms. Properties in the areas burned, and downstream of those areas, still have an elevated risk for flash floods, rock falls, debris flows, and mud flows. The areas affected by the Nuns, Tubbs, and Pocket Fires did not experience any significant debris or mudflows over the last two winters. While these areas have seen substantial improvement in soil and plant growth conditions, the threat of natural hazards from winter storms still exist. The highest danger occurs during intense or prolonged heavy rainfall, but once soils are saturated, floods or mud and debris flows can occur hours or days after the rain has stopped. Property owners in burned areas, and downstream of burned areas, can help prepare themselves and prevent erosion and water quality impacts, by following these steps: Take Precautions for your Family Check the Post-Fire Hazard Map for an estimate of the risk in your…