Joint Community Briefing and Media Q&A County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Recommendation of the Health Officer: Outdoor Masking in School Settings County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Strongly recommends outdoor masking for all students and staff at public, private, parochial and charter schools.
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-27 County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Requires workers at public and private schools serving students in transitional kindergarten through grade 12 to verify COVID-19 vaccination status and requires diagnostic testing for unvaccinated or incompletely vaccinated workers.
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Recommendation of the Health Officer: Employers Require Workforce to Show Proof of Vaccination or Testing County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Strongly recommends that all employers in the County require workers to provide proof of full vaccination for COVID-19 or show proof of weekly COVID-19 testing.
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Press Release: County of Sonoma, Sonoma County Office of Education to host virtual community webinars on the return to school County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-26 County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Requires employers of high-risk health care and congregate settings to verify the vaccine status of workers and that unvaccinated or unverified workers undergo routine surveillance testing.
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Press Release: Bay Area Health Officials Urge Immediate Vaccination and Issue Orders Requiring Use of Face Coverings Indoors to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-25 County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Order of the Sonoma County Public Health Officer for the wearing of face coverings in the workplaces and public settings
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Sonoma County provides update on Emergency Rental Assistance Program County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//
Sonoma County so far has provided $2,678,957 in rental assistance to more than 1,450 residents through its recently activated Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-24 County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//