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Is the debris removal program only for houses that are completely destroyed? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Is the debris removal program only for houses that are completely destroyed?

The Consolidated Debris Removal Program is for destroyed houses, as directed by CalOES and the local government. If you are unsure if your house qualifies for the debris removal program,…

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Can I be present during the cleanup of their personal property? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Can I be present during the cleanup of their personal property?

Owners do not need to be present but are welcome to view the cleanup on their property from a safe distance. To prevent safety hazards, the public is encouraged to…

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When will crews be on my property? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

When will crews be on my property?

Due to the high volume of program participants, we are unable to give property owners an exact date for their cleanup. However, you will receive a call from between 24-48…

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How are properties prioritized for debris removal? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

How are properties prioritized for debris removal?

Debris removal officials will give initial priority to sites in or near sensitive areas such as watersheds, schools, day care centers and health-care facilities.   Debris removal officials will then try…

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If I opt in to the state/government program, can I change my mind and opt out at a later time? If I opt in to the state/government program and later opt out, will I owe the state/county any money? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

If I opt in to the state/government program, can I change my mind and opt out at a later time? If I opt in to the state/government program and later opt out, will I owe the state/county any money?

If a property owner opts out after the debris removal has started, the property owner will be responsible for reimbursing any available insurance proceeds, related to debris removal, collected to…

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If I missed the ROE deadline for my county may I still submit one? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

If I missed the ROE deadline for my county may I still submit one?

ROEs submitted after the deadline must be reviewed on a case–by-case basis by the city/county.

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What is a Right of Entry Form? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What is a Right of Entry Form?

A Right-of-Entry (ROE) form gives permission to the city/county and state to access your property for the purpose of cleanup activities. By signing an ROE form, you are signing up…

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¿Puedo viajar al trabajo? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

¿Puedo viajar al trabajo?

Sí, no hay restricciones para viajar al trabajo.

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Can I commute to work? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Can I commute to work?

Yes, there is no restriction on commuting to work.

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No tengo ninguna estructura quemada en mi propiedad, pero tengo árboles quemados, ¿tengo derecho a participar en el Programa Estatal de Eliminación de Escombros? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

No tengo ninguna estructura quemada en mi propiedad, pero tengo árboles quemados, ¿tengo derecho a participar en el Programa Estatal de Eliminación de Escombros?

Sí. Ya sea que tenga o no una estructura quemada, si cree que tiene árboles en su propiedad que están muertos o es probable que mueran dentro de cinco años…

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