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Si me inscribo en el programa estatal / gubernamental, ¿puedo cambiar de opinión después y optar por no participar? Si elijo participar en el programa estatal / gubernamental y luego me excluyo, ¿le deberé dinero al Estado y/o al Condado? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Si me inscribo en el programa estatal / gubernamental, ¿puedo cambiar de opinión después y optar por no participar? Si elijo participar en el programa estatal / gubernamental y luego me excluyo, ¿le deberé dinero al Estado y/o al Condado?

Si el dueño de una propiedad opta por no participar después de que se ha comenzado la remoción de los escombros, el dueño de la propiedad será responsable por reembolsar…

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¿Puedo presentar un ROE después de la fecha límite para entregarlo requerida por mi condado? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

¿Puedo presentar un ROE después de la fecha límite para entregarlo requerida por mi condado?

Las ROE enviadas después de la fecha límite se revisarán según el caso individual por la ciudad o condado.

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¿Qué es un formulario de derecho a entrada? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

¿Qué es un formulario de derecho a entrada?

Un formulario de derecho a entrada (“Right of Entry” o ROE) le da permiso a la ciudad, al Condado y/o al Estado para el acceso a su propiedad para efectuar…

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Can I do my own work or hire my own contractor? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Can I do my own work or hire my own contractor?

Yes. Property owners who wish to conduct their own cleanup or hire private contractors to remove wildfire debris may do so, but they should be aware of local safety and…

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If I participate in the Consolidated Debris Removal Program, will the city/county have the right to take all of my insurance proceeds? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

If I participate in the Consolidated Debris Removal Program, will the city/county have the right to take all of my insurance proceeds?

No. The city/county will only seek reimbursement from the insurance carrier as stated above.

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What portion of my homeowner’s policy will the city/county collect for debris removal? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What portion of my homeowner’s policy will the city/county collect for debris removal?

It depends on the policy that you have. There are generally two types of debris removal coverages in a homeowner’s insurance policy: Specified Amount: One type of debris removal insurance coverage…

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Who will pay for the debris removal? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Who will pay for the debris removal?

All initial costs will be paid by state and federal agencies. However, if property owners have insurance that specifically covers debris removal, owners must inform their local officials. To avoid…

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Will debris removal crews be looking for code violations or other property infractions? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Will debris removal crews be looking for code violations or other property infractions?

No. Debris removal crews are on properties to perform specific operations related to the removal of contaminated soil, ash/debris, concrete, and metals.

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Will state contractors remove trees or other vegetation from my property? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Will state contractors remove trees or other vegetation from my property?

State contractors only will remove trees that pose a safety hazard to the crews, and trees that are dead or likely to die within 5 years, as a result of…

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Are swimming pools eligible? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Are swimming pools eligible?

Pools are ineligible, however Hazardous floating debris will be removed by the crews.

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