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My home is serviced by a sewer system or a well and septic system, will I be affected by the PG&E power shutoffs? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

My home is serviced by a sewer system or a well and septic system, will I be affected by the PG&E power shutoffs?

Public water and sewer systems are supported by back-up generators and diesel pumps and are not anticipated to be affected by power shutoffs. Residents with private wells, private water pumps,…

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How will I be alerted that my power will be going out? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

How will I be alerted that my power will be going out?

If you are a PG&E customer, they will use the contact information associated with your account to reach you. Please take a moment to verify your contact information with PG&E.…

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What can I do if I rely on powered devices for my health? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What can I do if I rely on powered devices for my health?

The California Foundation for Independent Living Centers supports local Independent Living Centers (ILCs) in providing resources to those who need them most. Engage with your local ILC on potential disaster…

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Are roads closed? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Are roads closed?

For a current list of roads closures or delays in the unincorporated county visit this website: https://roadclosures-sonomacounty.hub.arcgis.com/

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Are schools closed? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Are schools closed?

To determine if local schools are closed as a result of the PG&E power shutoffs, please see this Sonoma County Office of Education webpage: https://www.scoe.org/storm-update.html

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When will the power be turned on again? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

When will the power be turned on again?

In order for PG&E to restore power after a PG&E power shutoff event, first the utility is required to inspect the lines to determine if they have been damaged in…

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What is a Red Flag Warning? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What is a Red Flag Warning?

As defined by the National Weather Service, a Red Flag Warning means any combination of warm temperatures, very low humidities, dry fuels, the possibility of dry lightning strikes and strong…

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Why has the power been shut off? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Why has the power been shut off?

If your electricity has been shut down due to a PG&E power shutoff, PG&E has opted to preemptively shut off electrical transmission along power lines that the utility has deemed…

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What is a PG&E power shutoff? 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

What is a PG&E power shutoff?

A Public Safety Power Shutoff is the name that the utility Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) uses to describe a proactive shutoff of electricity.  PG&E may declare a PG&E power…

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