Appendix F – Industry-Specific Guidance of The Health Officer of The County of Sonoma Regarding Required Best Practices For Outdoor Recreational Equipment Rental Businesses
This industry-specific guidance is being issued pursuant to the June 5, 2020 Order of the Health Officer C19-14 (the “Shelter in Place Order”) and unless otherwise defined below, initially capitalized terms used in this guidance have the same meaning given them in that order. This guidance goes into effect immediately upon issuance.
This guidance remains in effect until suspended, superseded, or amended by the Health Officer, is supported by the justifications set forth in the Shelter in Place Order, and automatically incorporates any revisions to that order or other future orders issued by the Health Officer that supersede that order or reference this guidance. All businesses addressed herein and allowed to operate under the Shelter in Place Order are required to follow this industry-specific guidance and implement all Best Practices detailed below.
This guidance and its enumerated Best Practices may be revised by the Health Officer, through revision of this guidance or another future order, as conditions relating to COVID-19 require, in the discretion of the Health Officer. Each business identified herein must stay updated regarding any changes to the Shelter in Place Order, and local and state sector specific guidance by applicable to it by checking the website listed in Section 18 of the Shelter in Place Order.
Under the Authority Of California Health And Safety Code Sections 101040, 101085, And 120175, The Health Officer Directs As Follows:
- This guidance applies to all owners, operators, managers, or supervisors of any business that Shelter in Place Order allowed to be open to the public in the County of Sonoma (the “County”) and that consist of any of the following:
- a recreational equipment rental business that operated prior to March 17, 2020 and where there is the ability to fully maintain social distancing of at least six feet between all persons (a “Recreational Equipment Rental Business”)
- Each Recreational Equipment Rental Business must prepare, post, and implement a Social Distancing Protocol, attached as Appendix A to the Order, and any other industry or activity specific guidance issued by the Health Officer.
- Depending on the nature of the business covered by this guidance, there may be certain people associated with the business that are subject to this guidance. Collectively those people are referred to by this guidance and the Best Practices as “Personnel”, and those people include all of the following who provide goods or services associated with the business in the County: employees; contractors and sub-contractors (such as those who sell goods or perform services onsite or who deliver goods for the business); independent contractors (such as “gig workers” who perform work via the business’ app or other online interface); vendors who are permitted to sell goods onsite (such as farmers or others who sell at stalls in farmers’ markets); volunteers; and other individuals who regularly provide services onsite at the request of the business. This guidance requires the business to ensure that Personnel who perform work associated with the business are addressed by the Social Distancing Protocol and comply with those requirements.
- Implementation of this guidance augments—but does not limit—the obligations of each Recreational Equipment Rental Business under all other existing Health Officer Orders, including, but not limited to, the Face Coverings Requirements and the obligation to must prepare, post, and implement a Social Distancing Protocol, attached as Appendix A to the Order, and any other industry or activity specific guidance issued by the Health Officer.
- Best Practices for Recreational Equipment Rental Business:
- Ensure all Personnel and guests comply with the Social Distancing and Hygiene Requirements detailed in the Shelter in Place Order.
- Conduct all business and transactions involving members of the public in outdoor spaces in accordance with the requirements for Outdoor Businesses detailed in the Shelter in Place Order.
- Any primarily indoor facilities on or within recreational rental business must remain closed as required under Shelter in Place Order.
- Equipment must be rented to individuals only, unless all individuals within the group are part of a single family or household unit.
- All equipment will be sanitized after each use per EPA Guidance.
- Equipment issued to a client will only be used by that client. Equipment will not be shared during a rental or activity.
- No direct physical contact. No tournaments, competitions or other sporting events. No live audience activities. Recreational campgrounds remain closed.
- Clients should be encouraged to provide their own transportation to and from the activity site. Transit options provided by an Outdoor Recreation Activity Business shall comply Social Distancing and Hygiene Requirements, Face Coverings Requirements, as well as relevant guidance for Public Transit and Intercity Passenger Rail (
- Clients will provide or purchase their own water bottles, sunscreen, insect repellent and personal food.
- Guided trips will follow the Industry-Specific Guidance of the Health Officer for Outdoor Recreation Activity Businesses.
- This guidance is issued in furtherance of the purposes of the Shelter in Place Order. Where a conflict exists between this guidance and any state, local, or federal public health order related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including, without limitation, the Social Distancing Protocol, the most restrictive provision controls. Failure to carry out this guidance is a violation of the Shelter in Place Order, constitutes an imminent threat and menace to public health, constitutes a public nuisance, and is a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.