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County of Sonoma Seal
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-10 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-10

Rescinds, supersedes and replaces Order C19-04 allowing limited, non-vehicular access to some parks. read more
Virtual Town Halls Tuesday May 5, 2020 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Virtual Town Halls Tuesday May 5, 2020

Tune in to the NorCal Public Media English Language Virtual Town Hall and the KBBF 89.1 FM Spanish Language Virtual Town Hall read more
County of Sonoma Seal
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-09 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-09

Extends shelter-in place order C19-05. read more
COVID-19 Response Phase 2 Modeling in Sonoma County 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

COVID-19 Response Phase 2 Modeling in Sonoma County

Sonoma County received a Phase 2 of its data modeling project done by The Imperial College of London. The findings were released on April 28, 2020.

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Why Social Distancing Matters 150 150 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Why Social Distancing Matters

In this video, Dr. Katie O’Rourke, a physician in Sonoma County, tells you what social distancing is and why it’s effective at flattening the curve. Please also see the same information presented in Spanish by Dr. Catherine Losada. read more
County of Sonoma Seal
Amendment to the Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-08 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Amendment to the Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-08

Amends order regarding congregate care, living facilities and first responders C19-08. read more
County of Sonoma Seal
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-08 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-08

Provides direction for congregate care/living facilities, EMS personnel, and first responders. read more
County of Sonoma Seal
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-07 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-07

Requires members of the public to wear facial coverings. read more
County of Sonoma Seal
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-06-I 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-06-I

Requires isolation for persons with or likely to have COVID-19. read more
County of Sonoma Seal
Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-06-Q 120 120 Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information

Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-06-Q

Requires quarantine for persons with or likely to have COVID-19. read more