Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-16-1https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Requires isolation for persons with COVID-19 and persons likely to have COVID-19 as determined by their treating provider.
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-15https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Adopts and incorporates the State stay at home orders and guidance, and requires compliance with County-specific individual and business mitigation measures.
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Amendment No. 1 to the Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-14https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Amends the Stay Well Sonoma County Health Order to allow wineries, breweries and similarly defined facilities to reopen without the requirement of providing meals.
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-14https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Extends Shelter in Place, allowing more businesses to operate in the County, and requiring mitigation measures.
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-13https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Rescinds, supersedes and replaces Order C19-11 which closed parks to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
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Amendment No. 3 to Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-09https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Expands the list of businesses able to operate in the County consistent with the State’s Variance process.
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-12-Ihttps://socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/county-seal-240-120-1.jpg240120Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Supersedes Order C19-06 and implements isolation for persons with COVID-19 and persons likely to have COVID-19.
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-12-Qhttps://socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/county_seal_120x120.png120120Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Supersedes the County Of Sonoma Health Officer Order C19-06-Q and implements quarantine of persons exposed to a person diagnosed with COVID-19 or likely to have COVID-19.
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Amendment No. 2 to Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-09https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png
Amends the Shelter-in-Place order to allow additional businesses to reopen.
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Order of the Health Officer of the County of Sonoma C19-11https://socoemergency.org/wp-content/themes/blade/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg150150Sonoma County Emergency and Preparedness InformationSonoma County Emergency and Preparedness Information//socoemergency.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/county-seal-75x75-1.png